How to pay the state fee:
Requisites for paying the state fee by bank transfer in Poland:
Payment of the state fee to the account of the Estonian Embassy in Warsaw is possible only in Polish zlotys.
Ambasada Republiki Estońskiej
Karwińska 1
02-639 Warszawa
Current account number:
PKO Bank Polski Reg. no. 2040
Explanation: name of the operation + name of the applicant
Requisites for paying the state fee by bank transfer in Estonia or from an Estonian current account:
Ministry of Finance
Current account number:
Reference number: 2900073643
Explanation: name of the operation + name of the applicant
Attach a copy of the online bank payment receipt with the name of the account holder to the application or write the date of payment and the name of the account holder on the back of the application.